Work History

  • HBF Health

  • Standard Chartered Bank

  • Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, national university of Singapore

  • Code Compliance monitoring committee (Australian Code of Banking Practice)

  • Protect (formerly Public Concern at Work)

  • Law Society of England and Wales

  • Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Kirsten Trott

FOUNDER & Principal Consultant

Kirsten’s deep understanding of the experience of whistleblowing has long informed her advice to organisations on their internal whistleblowing systems. She has extensive experience in making whistleblowing work for organisations and in dealing with some of the difficult issues that arise in whistleblowing matters, in Australia and globally.

As Deputy Director of Public Concern at Work (now Protect), Kirsten gave legal and practical advice to hundreds of whistleblowers. She also advised global companies, government bodies and international organisations on whistleblowing systems and structures.

Kirsten was the global lead for whistleblowing at Standard Chartered Bank (SCB). In that role, Kirsten implemented a global whistleblowing framework that applied across the Bank’s 63 international markets, key regulatory jurisdictions and 80,000+ employees. She gained on the ground experience of making whistleblowing work within a large, culturally complex and highly regulated FTSE 100 company. With a matrix reporting line to the Chair of the Bank’s Audit Committee, Kirsten delivered cutting edge best practice initiatives to position SCB as an industry leader in this area.
